
Data Assimilation for Scientists and Engineers

a Toulouse University pedagogical project

O. Thual, S. Gratton, G. Monnier, O. Pannekoucke et al


The TU-DASE project

The "Toulouse University" (TU) "Data assimation for Scientists and Engineers" (DASE) gathers a series of pedagogical resources dealing with applications of the data assimilation theory to various fields of physics. These resources are distributed under the CC-BY-SA licence.

Contributions to the project

Instruction for authors

Authors contributing to the TU-DASE are encouraged to use the OPALE (free) software of the Scenari Chain with the Toulouse University graphic chart. The sources of the above chapters can be used as examples to create new chapters. If not available in this page, the sources can be obtained upon writing to the coordinator of the project: mail_ot.

  Last update :   11/03/2015