Data Assimilation
for Scientists and Engineers
a Toulouse
University pedagogical project
O. Thual, S. Gratton, G.
Monnier, O. Pannekoucke et al
The TU-DASE project
The "
University" (TU) "Data assimation for Scientists and
Engineers" (DASE) gathers a series of pedagogical resources
dealing with applications of the data assimilation theory to
various fields of physics. These resources are distributed under
Contributions to the project
- O. Thual, Introduction to Data Assimilation for Scientists
and Engineers, submitted
to Open Learn. Res. Ed. INPT, 0202 (2013) 6h : [web]
- S. Gratton and Ph. Toint, Numerical methods for data
assimilation, submitted
to Open Learn. Res. Ed. INPT, 0826 (2013) 6h : [web]
- O. Pannekoucke, Introduction to data assimilation, submitted to Open
Learn. Res. Ed. INPT, 0831
(2013) 6h : [web]
- J. Monnier, Variationnal data assimilation, From optimal
control to large scale data assimilation, submitted to Open
Learn. Res. Ed. INPT, 0908
(2013) 6h : [web]